The best way to experience Astrology is through learning about yourself
Hi I’m Alex.
I’m an Aries Rising, Sagittarius Sun and Gemini Moon - the extra cool part, I was born on a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse*. I also an Astrolger and illustrator, general creative and many other things to the important people in my life - *we can get to all of this in The Cosmic Hub (members only, very swish private club).
I made my way into studying Astrology through my first creative practice, illustration. I’m a big believer that we all have gifts that make us uniquely exceptional and Astrology can tell us why. My experience with Astrology put reason to areas of my inner workings I was never able to articulate and could look towards accepting, healing and celebrating myself.
Understanding my own birth chart set me on a path of self-discovery, as well as formal study into the knowledge. It was here I quickly realised that Astrology can quickly become overwhelming and dense, which is where I believe Lusid comes into, and possibly what bought you here.
It’s my mission to demystify Astrology, for it to be easy to remember, easy to understand, and potently practical knowledge - in a way that truly sticks and becomes like keyboard shortcuts to how you live your life.
I hope if nothing more my cosmic insights help you to feel seen and heard, to meet yourself - become your own best friend, champion your gifts and support your growth.
If you feel curious or completely sold on me (we love this) - have a look at my offerings and see how I can best guide you into the world of Astrology - here.
What is Astrology
(and how do I make it work for me?)
Astrology is the study of the meaning of planetary energy & movements and their influence on one's life and society as a whole. This body of ancient wisdom, offers us deep insight into who we are & what our purpose is in this life.
For many of us, this starts with our Sun sign (star sign), then we may find ourselves staring out our natal birth chart (pictured) in overwhelm from the symbols and lines.
In Astrology, there are 3 core layers that can be broken down to answer why we are the way we are.
The planets (I prefer to start here) these are your inner drivers
The signs these are the flavour that the planets take on to express themselves
The houses are the areas of life we see this all play out
Even with just the basics covered, you can learn how Astrology relates to you & how you can use it as a tool to live to your fullest expression.
Astrology can help you unpack:
Your purpose and direction
How you experience and express emotions
The experience of your family
The growth and awareness that lies within traumas and recurring triggers
I’m here to guide you beyond your star sign & breakdown the big topic of Astrology into what feels like keyboard shortcuts to life. If you’re ready to go beyond your Sun sign, have a look at the sessions on offer here.
Some of my favourite Astrology facts so far
1 | Your Sun vs Rising sign
Our Sun and Rising signs are both paramount to our identity and how we show up every day. Our Sun sign is responsible for our purpose and creative gifts. The Rising sign on the other hand - how we appoach the world and who we become in order to survive.
Summed up in one question our Sun vs Rising helps us identify - ‘who do I need to be (rising sign) to get where I’m going (Sun sign)?’
2 | The Role of the Planets
So much focus is on the star signs but it’s actually the planets that take the wheel for how we communicate, react and make us feel safe (and much more). The difference is; The planets are our drivers who are responsible for our inner functions whereas the signs are responsible for how the planet expresses themselves.
3 | The Decans
Have you ever met someone of the same sign as you that seems to have taken on a totally different nature to you? It could be related to your birth dates. Within each zodiac sign there are 3 sub-divisions that offers more nuanced characteristics of your signs traits - these are the decans. You can figure out your decan but googling your birth date, sign and decan - OR you can ask me directly right here.